GlobalGirl Media-Chicago develops and empowers the voices of young, underrepresented womxn from communities across Chicago. Through mindful mentoring practices, dialogue and leadership facilitation, and training in multimedia journalism and non-fiction storytelling, our programming and media production is led in collaboration between instructors/mentors, and the power of the young womxn themselves. GGM-Chi seeks to encourage each program participant to establish their voice—in their communities, in their global media universe, and their own futures.

GGM-Chi recognizes that the majority of mainstream reporting/storytelling focuses on flash points of violence, celebrity, or disaster, while the everyday experiences of youth, particularly P.O.C. womxn, passes silently under the radar. With the explosion of social media networking, and user-generated web content, the fact remains that this media is primarily accessible to those who have access to these technologies, leaving many youth negatively impacted by the digital divide.

GlobalGirl Media-Chicago seeks to address this disparity by supplying the equipment, education and support necessary to help young womxn from across Chicago in becoming multimedia storytellers, by bringing their own unique perspectives to the global web and social media realms. GGM-Chi invests in young womxn to become their own agents of change in bridging the gendered digital divide through training, guidance, and support. We firmly believe that working with young womxn around the world to find, and share, their authentic voice is an investment in our global future.
